This is another handpay jackpot from our recent cruise aboard the Symphony of the Seas from Royal Caribbean. First off, Happy Memorial Day weekend for everyone! Especially to those of you that are or have had loved ones in the military! Thank you:) Lock IT Link diamonds is one of our favorite slot machine games, and Royal Caribbean had a massive selection of Lock IT Link Diamonds and Loteria!
Royal Caribbean Symphony of the Seas
Probably about 30 to 40 different machines to choose from so we were always able to get on one. As always — to trigger the bonus on this one, you need three diamond symbols for the free games or 3 or more hearts aligned! We got the 4 hearts and then triggered a fantastic handpay jackpot! Don’t miss out on this awesome slot machine jackpot! #LockItLink #HandpayJackpot #SlotMachine Who’s Getting Lucky We feature Jon playing Pinball at Borgata. $10 a smack, and he received an amazing handpay jackpot! Take a peek! If you would like your “slot play” or “jackpot handpay” to be featured in one of our videos we will need the following: 1: Photo of you with your slot play or jackpot handpay 2: Details on your photo: EX: Where were you at? What machine were you on? 3: If you have a YouTube channel or social media page please provide link as I will give you a shout out. 4: Send everything to 5. Give us written consent to use your picture or content you sent over. I will email you and notify you if you have been chosen to be featured in, “WHO’s GETTING LUCKY” Video link announcing, “WHO’S getting LUCKY” segment. Here’s some of my other social channels if you like IG or FB better: Lady Luck HQ Facebook – Lady Luck HQ Instagram – Lady Luck HQ Membership –… Thanks for watching Lady Luck HQ =) Smash that subscribe button, share with your friends and give us a thumbs up!
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