Continuing our run on with the slot machine jackpot God’s, we moved onto Lightning Link Tiki Fire and several other games in the the Lightning Link family! This session was one of the first slot machines we landed on at the Red Rock Hotel & Casino, and we decided to give our luck a try on this high limit lightning link slot machine, and within the first few minutes, it started to pay very well!! The premise of Lightning Link is very simple as you all know. They offer about 8 different genres of games but they all work in a similar fashion. Get three or more of the bonus symbols to trigger free bonus games! Within those free bonus games you get the free games, and then you can trigger the main jackpot feature. The main jackpot feature is getting 6 or more orbs to trigger the spin and win feature. If you collect all 15 orbs, you receive the Grand Jackpot which is typically a sizable jackpot of over $10K+ Please check out all of our social channels and merch! IG – Teespring Merch –… Link to our favorite charity – Products I use – “Who’s Getting Lucky” We feature JD and their wonderful hight limit slot play on Lightning Link. We got a double Lightning Strike Major Jackpot HANDPAY$ and you DON’ want to miss it! Bet was $5 at a casino in MN called Treasure Island! If you would like your “slot play” or “jackpot handpay” to be featured in one of our videos we will need the following: 1: Photo of you with your slot play or jackpot handpay 2: Details on your photo: EX: Where were you at? What machine were you on? 3: If you have a YouTube channel or social media page please provide link as I will give you a shout out. 4: Send everything to 5. Give us written consent to use your picture or content you sent over. I will email you and notify you if you have been chosen to be featured in, “WHO’s GETTING LUCKY” Video link announcing, “WHO’S getting LUCKY” segment. Thanks for watching Lady Luck HQ =) Smash that subscribe button, share with your friends and give us a thumbs up!
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